Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My New Obsession

Never in a million years did I think I would ever start sewing. In my 7th grade Home Economics class, I attempted to make a jumper and had the hardest time figuring out how to work the machine. I finally got the hang of it, and excitedly stitched the side seams. I ran to my teacher to proudly show her my work. She sneered and said "You sewed the armholes shut." I was so excited to finally get the darn machine working I forgot to allow for the armholes. Oops. Deflated, I gave up on sewing and signed up for shop the next year.

I now have my mom's old Sears Kenmore sewing machine. It's about forty or so years old, but it still works like a champ. This is where I've been spending a lot of time lately. I have a lovely view of my front yard as I sew.

My husband had to show me how to use the machine. Yes, along with his many other talents, he knows how to sew, too. But now I'm getting pretty good at it, and I hardly ever have to ask for his assistance.

Part of my yoga loft is now the sewing prep area. We brought our folding table upstairs and re-purposed an old lamp from the garage. Bruce added risers to the legs so I don't have to hunch over as I work (thanks for the tip, Debra)!

Of course, cats know a good thing when they see it. They like to be snuggly warm and up high. Thus, the towel to keep all of my fabric and tools fur-free.

After the kitty condo is finished, Bruce is going to build a storage unit so I can organize all of my fabric and tools. I'll keep a towel on the table so Charlotte can still take her naps there.

Along with the sewing machine, I also inherited all of my mom's old sewing paraphernalia. I love the "Sewing Susan" needles, and my mom's handwritten notes in the sewing machine user's manual.


My first big project was making new cafe curtains and a shower curtain for our master bathroom. The original owner of the house had made her own curtains and graciously left them for us. I used her curtains as patterns for my own. I must say, I'm very happy with how they turned out.

I love the way the blue changes shade depending on the viewer's angle and time of day.

The fabric has a dragonfly pattern, which comes in quite handy in our dragonfly-themed bathroom.

I'm now busy sewing Christmas presents. No, you can't see a picture. It's a surprise. Just know that between now and the middle of the month, I'll be sitting at that sewing machine or standing at the prep table, busy with my new obsession.


  1. Are those rug latch hooks I see? How fun! Tamara, you are a natural at sewing - Bud has been proudly wearing your designs and has gotten many compliments! Love your new set-up!

  2. Hi Tamara, got your Christmas card yesterday with the link to your blog. WOW! Really looks like you guys are loving Idaho life. So happy for you. We do contemplate making our way up there at some point. Trying to figure out how we want to do it, a portion driving/camping sounds like fun. Not sure if we want to commit to the full round trip in that mode though. We have a lengthy trip planned for May, but will keep a visit to you guys simmering on the back burner. Planning trips is a good sized chunk of the fun.
    Love your blog; keep loving Idaho Life!

  3. Well, we have a lovely guest room ready and waiting! Would love to show you around this beautiful country.
