Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Monday, January 27, 2014

Thanks for One More Year

I recently celebrated my 54th birthday. I know some people hate when their birthday rolls around. I always love my birthdays, because it means I survived another year on Earth. I have successfully avoided death for one more precious year and been privileged to enjoy this beautiful life. Yoga has taught me to pay attention and be present. It's amazing what you can see, hear, smell and feel if you just stop everything and...breathe. Of course, most of us can't do that every single minute of the day, but if you just commit to "being present" for five minutes once a day, I guarantee your life will be better for it.

For my birthday, I asked Bruce to take me and the dogs up to Bonners Ferry, a town about 60 miles north of here. We've been wanting to go up there since we moved to Idaho, and just haven't gotten around to it.

The town sits on the south side of the Kootenai River, and is named after the ferry that shuttled gold prospectors across the river on their way to Canada.

This here is an impulse turbine engine. It may have powered a local sawmill.

The Old Town area is about four square blocks, full of restored buildings now inhabited by bars, restaurants, boutiques and shops.

One of those shops, Under the Sun, is full of eclectic items ranging from handmade door pulls to wind chimes to dinnerware. Bruce bought this vintage kitchen timer for me. I think it was really for him, but it was my birthday.

 It also has a cute little cafe in the back.

Unfortunately, we weren't ready for a meal when we visited, but the menu items looked delicious and the ambience was inviting. We're going back!

It was time for the dogs to get out of the truck,  stretch their legs and do their business before we headed home.

Bruce, of course, had to explore the myriad train tracks in the area before we left, and we came across this picturesque scene. We took turns with the camera to get our best "arty" shot.

Personally, I like them both!

It was a relaxing day spent with my favorite guy and the two best dogs in the whole wide world. We saw some new country and discovered a cute little town. Everyone got home safe and sound. Just the way I like it. And I'm ready to begin living yet another year on this planet. Of course, I wouldn't refuse a little trip on the Enterprise if Captain Picard wanted to travel back in time 300 years and beam me up. Really. I'm serious. Worf? Deanna? Can you hear me?

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