Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Busy Bees

Along with working on the garden (see previous post), we've been busy bees in other ways. Here are some of the things we've been up to...

After the snow melted, we got out our rakes and gathered up all of the thatch, pine needles and other ublek (read "deer poop") that had settled on our lawn. For those of you who have graced us with your presence here, you know how big our lawn is. It took us over a week to get it all done. I got eleven piles out of the front lawn, and finished just as it started to hail.

Cody found it refreshing.

Speaking of Cody, he has been living with cancer now for 9 months (the vets gave him 6 months to live at diagnosis). This boy loves life! His symptoms are getting worse, however, so we got the boat out of storage early so he could have at least one more boat ride.

It was a chilly day but the sun was out and he had a blast.

"I'm King of the World!"

He's also wearing Shadow down with his charms. Shadow has been getting closer and closer to Cody lately, ALMOST letting Cody touch noses with him.

Shadow is the one looking at Cody. Isn't he adorable?

Sera, of course, loves Cody and is trying to convince Shadow that he's an OK guy.

He walked up to Cody right before I snapped this photo, but ran away as soon as Cody turned to sniff him.

Bruce finally did witness Shadow rubbing up against Cody's front legs a few hours later, so Cody won him over after all!

We're all going to really miss that boy when he eventually leaves us. But Ginger, his first human mama, will be waiting for him with open arms.

Meanwhile, Bella had three rotten teeth removed at the beginning of this month. We feel terrible that we didn't have it done years ago, but we got bad advice from previous veterinarians. Here she is using her "hands" to hold her bone.

Ahhh, a nice post-recovery chew.

Lastly, I've been busy teaching myself to play the piano again. I bought this piano about 20 years ago and took lessons for about 18 months. Hadn't touched it since, except to dust it and rearrange the photos on top.

Bruce had it tuned for my birthday earlier this year, so I dragged out my old music and started reacquainting myself with the keyboard. I surprised Bruce, and myself, with how quickly I picked it back up. The best part is that I don't have the pressure of lessons or recitals. I play for the fun of it, and I find that I actually enjoy practicing and learning new material. Eventually, I know I'll hit a wall and need to start taking lessons. But for now, it's just me and the piano.

So while I took a month off from blogging, know that we were not idle, cruising the Caribbean or taken by aliens. We were Busy Bees!  

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