Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Monday, August 15, 2016

Charlotte Goes a'Walkabout

Our oldest cat, Charlotte, is over seventeen years old now. Her coat is matted, she has arthritis and struggles to hold her tail up, she wobbles sometimes when she walks, her kidneys are struggling and she has a thyroid issue, but hey, we all have problems, right?

However, for an old lady (119 in human years) she gets around pretty darn well. She walks (occasionally runs) up and down the stairs about fifty times a day and still has a healthy appetite. And she loves her treats.

Several months ago, she started having a real battle with balance. She fell down the stairs a few times (just a few steps, not the entire length of the staircase), and seemed to be unable to control her back end as she walked. She looked like she'd gotten into the whisky bottle.

After some tests, our vet prescribed a thyroid medication for her, along with special food for her kidney condition and meds for her arthritis. We set up the master bath as her assisted living quarters. Quite a nice little apartment for a kitty!

After just a few weeks, she started making quite a turnaround. She was walking straight, and jumping up on furniture and jumping back down without doing a face plant or somersault.

Since she hadn't been outside in quite awhile, we thought she might like some fresh air and a little adventure. We took her outside to let her have a supervised romp.

Bruce, always looking for an opportunity to clean up some of her mats, did a little plucking on the way out.

OK, Charlotte, you are free to roam. Call if you get work!

She glanced around to see if Dad was going to follow her. Am I really free to wander? Woohoo!

Into the jungle she disappeared...

and we never saw her again.


But just to be sure, Bruce stealthily followed her to ensure she stayed out of trouble.

She wound around out in the woods and emerged at the edge of the driveway.

What is this look?



After looking around for a few minutes...

Charlotte got very, very sleepy. Or maybe she was bored. It's pretty quiet around here most days.

We took her back inside, and she promptly headed upstairs and took a nap...

No doubt dreaming of grass, bugs, deer, trees, birds and squirrels.

Sweet dreams, Princess Charlotte!

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