Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Shadow and Sera

Back in July, we had a feral momma cat show up with four little kittens. After teaching them all to hunt and fend for themselves, she disappeared with two of the kittens and left two for us. Thanks!

They decided to make the log deck their home. Bruce, of course, added them as customers of Bruce's Backyard Beastro.

He and Cody walked down to the log deck every morning to deliver fresh food and water.

The cats became pretty comfortable with their new life. They liked playing in the driveway,  climbing trees and chasing squirrels. We named them Shadow and Sera (short for seraphim). Bruce was confident that Shadow was a boy and Sera was a girl.

Getting the cats fixed as soon as possible was a priority, as we definitely didn't want any new kittens. We decided we couldn't have any more cats in the house, so these two would be our "barn cats". We bought a live trap and Bruce set it out one evening with a can of warm cat food. Yum. It didn't take long for Shadow to find it.

As Shadow turned to leave...down came the door.  Doh!

  Poor Shadow.

Bruce collected him (we were still assuming it was a him) and put him in the garage for the night. Off to the vet the next morning!

Bruce's "I trapped a cat" victory dance.

The vet called us the next day to let us's a boy! Bruce was right. One down, one to go.

We set the trap out again a few days later and got...Shadow! Again! What a dope. Poor guy. We thought for sure that Sera was watching and thinking "there's no way I'm going to get trapped in that thing!" But Bruce persevered and we finally got her.

She is much more tame than Shadow. Bruce was even able to open the cage and pick her up and pet her.

Here she is, off to the vet!

About fifteen minutes after Bruce got back from dropping her off, the vet called to let us's a BOY! I thought Bruce was going to cry. He really wanted Sera to be a girl.

We thought about changing the name to Raj, after the self-proclaimed "metrosexual" on Big Bang Theory, but Bruce keeps calling him Sera. And, really, seraphim are angels of both sexes, right? So Sera it remains.

When Sera got home, Bruce picked him up one more time for a quick cuddle.

And then it was time to say goodbye. He set Sera down and...where did he go?

There! Flying over the end of the deck! So long, Sera! See you at dinner time!

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