Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Monday, October 7, 2013

Return to Paradise

I flew down to California a few weeks ago to help my Dad through his first-ever surgery and hospital stay. Mind you, he's going to be 88 years old this month, and this was his first surgery! 

Here he is taking a stroll in the hospital about a week after the surgery. He's now home recovering nicely after kicking cancer's butt.  Last I heard, he was having second helpings at dinner and doing a jig with his walker. He's baaaaaack!

Meanwhile, I flew home to Idaho once my oldest sister, Karen, flew in from Wisconsin to take over nursing duties. I loved being able to help my Dad and spend time with him, but I sure missed my husband and home and animals.

First order of business: seasonal decorations! Autumn is still my favorite season, and I finally have a porch to decorate. I got my scarecrows and other decorations out, and bought straw bales, cornstalks and pumpkins. We had plenty of squash to round out the display.

I've had this witch for years, and we used to hang her outside in California for Halloween. She has, consequently, unraveled and degraded, much to my chagrin. I took her in to our small town hardware store to find some matching twine to fix her hat, but the owner's wife, Peggy, took one look at her and informed me that she loves crafts and would happily mend her for me. I love living in a small town! She even named her for me - Wanda the Witch.

Thanks, Peggy! She looks even better than when I bought her.

Bruce was busy while I was gone, cutting up the truckload of birch we had delivered last spring. We now have a great plenty to keep us warm this winter. And Big Tex got in on the action, too.

The log deck is still huge, even though Bruce and his chainsaw have been working for days!

Big Tex was a great investment. Beats lugging all of this wood up to the woodshed in the wheelbarrow!

So we now have floor-to-ceiling rows three deep on the right and are now starting on the back. And still half a log deck to go. I think we'll be toasty warm this winter!

We also decided to send the YamiSue to hibernation for the winter. Our last trip out was perfect, so we decided to end the season on a high note. We look forward to exploring Hayden Lake and Priest Lake next spring and summer!

I missed my kitchen so much while I was gone. I got back into baking by whipping up a batch of gluten-free shortbread cookies, with a little help from Bob's Red Mill. I kicked them up a notch by dipping them in chocolate ganache! 

Bruce, these are for you. But can I have just a couple?

Lastly, it appears Big Bucky has, thus far, been stealthy enough to avoid being someone's trophy this hunting season. Bruce has a plan to keep him safe. So far, so good. And no, it does not involve a leash or any kind of enclosure :-)

So, while it was difficult for me to leave my Papa after seeing him through his surgery, I was anxious to get home to my husband, dogs, cats, deer, squirrels, birds and other assorted critters in the woods. I loved driving through my little town on the way home from the airport. Hearing the wind in the trees, looking up at the Milky Way right before bedtime, and smelling the smoke from the woodstove all prove to me that this is where I belong. I have returned to my paradise. Home!

1 comment:

  1. Love your Fall décor, love your wood stockpile, just love everything about your "Idaho Life!"
