Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Sunday Country Drive

We love meandering down country roads, just to see where they lead and what little treasures we might encounter. Beautiful vistas, wildlife, yard art - much better than sitting at home in front of the television. Well, unless TNG is having a marathon :-)

A few days ago, we decided to forego our usual list of chores around the house and yard, pack a picnic and hit the road. Bruce had a vague route in mind, but we were open to the possibilities.

We headed north out of our little town and made a circuitous path through farmland and woods.

HooDoo Mountain - gotta love that name!

Shall we pick some berries for our picnic?

We hit the Pend Oreille River and turned east.

Yet another boat trip in our future!

We drove along, occasionally taking side roads toward the river just to see what we could see. Eventually, we saw a road with a big sign next to it: "Seneacquoteen". Of course, we had to see what the heck that was.

It was an old cemetery! Bruce and I love old cemeteries. I later learned that Seneacquoteen means "the crossing" in either Kalispell or Kootenai language. It designated the area where people crossed the Pend Oreille river. Of course, it also signifies the crossing from this life to the afterlife.

The first thing Bruce did was smell a tree. OK, he smelled the sap seeping out of the tree.

What can I say? He's an old logger.

I loved all of the family plots. Generations of families together, dating back to the mid-1800s.

We especially loved the fact that most of the grave sites were very well maintained. Fresh flowers, ornaments, keepsakes and figurines were lovingly left by descendants.

I like this idea - just keep hanging new plaques.

We found some folks who hailed from Bruce's ancestral land of Orkney, Scotland.

A peaceful place to rest.

I was most happy to come across this plot. Six little birdhouses surrounded it. If you know me, you know I love miniatures!

Bruce, just giving you some ideas...

We bid adieu to Idaho's ancestors and got back on the trail. We saw "Ferry Road" coming up on GPS and decided that might be a good place to see the river.

Hmmmm, where will this lead?

Oh, here we go. The road disappears right into the river. Perfect place for a picnic!

I don't know why, but something about that cemetery tour really worked up an appetite. Good to be alive!

Here's the view as I chewed. Too bad I can't add the sound of the water lapping against the shore and the birds singing.

After lunch, we kept meandering east to Highway 95 to head home.

Beautiful country around here.

Bruce spied a heron searching for his supper in this marsh.

I hope he found something tasty.

One of the last sites we saw on our idyllic journey was Brown's Mill Pond. A perfect ending to a perfect day!


  1. Beautiful....Tam. Another great post.

    1. Thanks Glo! You were my inspiration to start this blog so I appreciate your opinion :-)

  2. Tami you should publish and sell some of these photos. They are gorgeous!!!


  3. It's kind of hard to take bad photos when you have such gorgeous scenery! Maybe I'll publish a calendar called "Bruce Smells Trees".
