Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

So, technically, can you have a "summer vacation" when you're retired? I'm not sure, but since it's Labor Day weekend, I feel compelled to look back over the last few months and summarize what I've done, accomplished, and celebrated.

The summer started off with a bang when I woke up one morning to this spectacular sunrise.

I flew out of bed, grabbed the camera and ran out into the front yard in my slippers to take some photos. I could hear neighbors driving by on their way to work, but luckily no one can see in to our place through the trees. I hope. Anyway, the morning light was a soft pink - just beautiful.

Sera joined me to welcome the day. Flowers were blooming all over the yard. We're so grateful to the previous owners for doing such a wonderful landscaping job.

Every day we would walk outside and see a new plant blooming.

Our two outside kitties, brothers Seraphim and Shadow, have grown up. Sera is pretty friendly now, and will let us pet him and even pick him up (and kiss his cheek). Shadow (the dark-faced one) remains wild, running if you take a step toward him. He will, however, sometimes remain on the porch with you if you don't stare at him.

They are best buddies. They sleep together on the glider on our porch, play out in the yard, and have adventures in the woods. They often separate during the day to be on their own, but when they reunite, you can tell they missed each other!

I'm going to kiss that Shadow one day.

Bruce performed two squirrel rescues this summer. The first was a dramatic rooftop rescue from our chimney, resulting in the squirrel leaping off of the roof into space, hitting the grass, bouncing twice, and then running off into the woods! Even if I'd had a camera, I doubt I would have been able to catch that.

The other rescue wasn't quite as dramatic (although the squirrel probably begs to differ). Sera caught a baby squirrel out in the front yard, but Bruce found it before he could do much harm. Dr. Bruce nursed it back to health and we set it free the next day (after making sure the cats were nowhere around).

After Bruce held the squirrel in a warm towel for awhile to make sure it came out of shock, we placed it in a cat carrier on a towel over a warmed rice hull pad. Bruce added some sunflower seeds.

When we opened the cage door to release the squirrel, it didn't want to leave! Bruce had to coax it out.

Finally, off it went, looking back once over its shoulder as if to say "Thank you"!

Each morning, I start my day by taking my coffee out to the garden. I study each bed to see if there's anything new popping out or up, harvesting what's ready, and fixing any mishaps. I water, smell the plants and talk to them. What a peaceful way to start the day!

The very best thing about this summer is that the yellow jacket population is next to nothing. Last year, it was the worst it had been in a decade, according to locals. Several cold snaps early in spring and Bruce setting the traps out early have contributed to my ability to actually enjoy the great outdoors this year.

I've also been spending time at my piano since Bruce got it tuned for my birthday earlier in the year. It's been a lot of fun pulling out my old music and re-learning some of my favorite songs. I was surprised how fast I picked it back up. I love the feel of the keyboard under my fingers.

But as fun as it is to play, it's not aerobic activity. I used to be pretty active in Sacramento, working out at least six days per week, but we are miles and miles away from the nearest gym and I would probably turn my ankle if I tried to power walk on these dirt and gravel roads. But I found two new friends who are helping me to stay in shape!

This is Dr. Andi Hunsaker and her twin sister,
Dr. Lyndi Schwartz

They host a fabulous exercise show on 3ABN called "Body & Spirit". They really make exercise FUN. Really! Bruce often catches me smiling and laughing while I work out. I actually look forward to working out every day. They do upper body, lower body, aerobics, core/abs, kickboxing. Something for everyone. I've lost weight and feel great. I highly recommend the show to anyone who wants to work out at home for whatever reason.

Unfortunately, they aren't the only hosts of Body & Spirit, so you may tune in and find someone else leading the charge. Keep recording the shows and soon enough, you'll find an Andi/Lyndi episode!

Animals are always a big part of our lives, and this summer we've been spending lots of time feeding carrots to our neighbor horses, Samson and Miss Glory.

They are so cute. They're really getting used to us, too. We both got nuzzled yesterday!

We've had quite a few Bambis this year, and all of the deer look fat and healthy. I wonder why? Could it be...Bruce's Backyard Bistro?

The whole family showed up for supper.

We had a set of twins this year again, too.

We're always excited to see the turkeys each year. This year we had three mommas and fifteen babies.

We discovered a new critter just a few days ago. We thought he was a snake at first, but when Bruce picked him up, four little legs shot out!

I later learned this little guy is a Western Skink. He's just a baby and his blue tail will eventually fade in color. He may get up to 8" long and live for nine years! Hope he sticks around.

Bella has found a new normal without her Cody. They were together for almost their entire lives (twelve years). Bruce and I had a hard time when he passed away, but Bella stopped eating and was noticeably depressed. She was afraid to go outside by herself. She missed her friend.

But now she's back to her nutty, sweet self. We're still not ready to adopt another dog, though. We have a pretty good balance here, and Bella, in her old age, doesn't tolerate other dogs very well anymore. She says she's OK with being the only dog, and we're OK with that too.

Scout and the other cats manage to pass the days in their own special ways.

You really need to learn to relax, Scout.

It hasn't been all work and no play for us. We took the boat out several times, although we always plan to take it out more often. I'm telling you, there just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the month, even when you're retired!

Spirit Lake is beautiful as ever, especially from the water.

We love looking for osprey at the lakes.

We finally bought a swim ladder for the boat so we can actually get out into the water to cool off. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the best design and getting back into the boat is not a pretty sight at all. I hope no one was watching. Speaking of not pretty, what is up with my foot?

It turned into a paddle when I hit the water!

We also hit Lake Pend Oreille this summer, only seven miles east of us. Lake Pend Oreille is huge. 43 miles long and over 1250 ft. deep.

We would need a cabin cruiser and several days to navigate the entire lake.

We did find a private beach to have a picnic the other day, though.

Food tastes just a little bit better when you're out on the lake!

We had a wonderful visit from our friends Martin and Debra.

How cute are they?

Oops, sorry Martin. We're cuter!

When Bruce asked me how big their trailer was, I couldn't quite remember. I said "I think it's 12 feet. Maybe 16." I was a little off.

May I present The Queen and her 36 foot trailer! Their home away from home.

On their last day here, I looked out in the front yard and saw something different. A new critter?

What's that?!?!?!

Archery lessons!  They brought their archery sets and taught us how to shoot. We're hooked. And the best part is that Bella can lay down next to us and not be spooked by any loud noises.

What great exercise. And I love target shooting. I draw from my yoga practice for focus and concentration.

Sorry, little guy!

All in all, it has been an absolutely wonderful summer. We had a few hot spells, but we learned how to control the temperature in our air conditioner-less house by installing cellular blinds and manipulating windows/drapes and fans. And if all else fails, we take the boat out and jump into the lake!

I hope all of you had a wonderful summer, too. Stay tuned for a post all about the garden and the magnificent bounty it produced this year!

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