Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Monday, February 15, 2016

It's A Boy!

Two weeks ago today, as we were driving home from Coeur d'Alene, Bruce asked if I wanted to stop in at the Kootenai Humane Society to look at dogs. I said yes.

The very first dog we saw was this guy...

His name was Marco. He had been in a kill shelter in Barstow, CA, and our no-kill shelter had flown him up here when his time had run out. He had been picked up as a stray down there. He's about five years old and, as far as we can guess, a black lab/hound mix. He had been in our shelter for two weeks. He was skittish and shy, but very, very sweet. Bruce and I both fell in love at first sight. How could we not? Look at that face!

We renamed him Teddy. Teddy Bear. Theodore B. Wheeler.

He was pretty nervous when we first got him home. We had no idea how he would react to the cats.

What are these small furry creatures
with needles for toes?

He gave the cats plenty of space and respect, and after they were convinced he was no threat, the cats gave him the paws up. Sera made friends with him right away, and now accompanies him on his walks.

Teddy enjoys a massage every morning...

and every night.

He has long talks with Dad.

And the toys. The toys! So many toys!

He's learning to sit, stay, lie down and come. He's a smart boy and is catching on very fast. We have a routine, he has everything he could possibly need (and more!) and we're head over heels in love with him.

Stay tuned for more Teddy adventures!

Are you ready for some football????

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