Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Now FedEx Has No Excuse

When we first moved here back in November, we were ordering a lot of stuff for the house. Most of it was delivered via UPS. Our UPS driver, Ken, found our house with no problem the first time out, even though the only address marking we had was what the previous owners left us: a smallish sign nailed to a tree about thirty feet back from the road.

One day, we ordered something that was to ship via FedEx. We waited and waited. I tracked the package. It said "Delivery failure. Driver could not locate address." Sigh. I called and explained where the address sign was and they sent a driver out to deliver the package. This time they found us. But it did make us think that maybe we should make our address more visible.

Bruce found some really cool iron address numbers online that attach to bolts so they stick out from the surface to which they're attached. We'd seen some others in the neighborhood and really liked them. We ordered them (they came via USPO) and Bruce set to work. Luckily, we had a nice big boulder near the road next to the driveway.

First, he lined up the numbers and marked the boulder where the bolts would go. I noticed right away that there were a lot of bugs buzzing around. A lot.

              Let the drilling begin.

One down, four to go. Or, I guess it's nine down, three, four, two and five to go.

The drilling continued. I was the supervisor and caller of whether the numbers looked even as he held them up. I tried my best, despite many stinging insects buzzing around my body and head. Yikes.

       OK, this is about when that  
       little bugger of a yellow
       jacket stung me. Time for
       a break.

Bruce continued and did a fabulous job, despite not having any supervision. I did drive the truck down there a few times and yell "looks even to me!" out the window as buzzing insects tried to get in.

This is a little easier to see, no? OK, FedEx, we're ready for ya!



  1. Beautiful work Bruce! (Applause!)


  2. One more thing, are the numbers glow in the dark just in case delivery guy arrives after dark? Ok, I'll be quiet. �� -Glo

  3. No, they're not glow in the dark, but hopefully his/her headlights will bounce against them. I think they carry flashlights with them, anyway, so they'll either see the boulder or the other sign, which is actually reflective (it's for emergency personnel). Thanks for being so concerned! LOL

  4. Beautiful - looks like a piece of art! - Deb
