Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Thursday, August 22, 2013

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

I guess I should qualify the title: these are a few of my favorite summertime things. I'm sure that I'll have a whole new set of favorite things for autumn and winter.

Since we moved here at the beginning of winter with snow already on the ground, we really had no idea what kind of flowers were already planted. This spring and summer, the whole yard erupted in color.

We really appreciate that the former owners loved flowers and gardening. We got to just sit back and enjoy it. Well, we had to water, but that was a small price to pay.

Of course, seeing the first fawns of the season was a thrill. We finally got a picture of the doe with the three fawns. We're not sure if they are all hers, but they hung around together for awhile.

And every time I see our big handsome buck in Bruce's Backyard Bistro, I am both grateful that I live here and dreading the start of hunting season. Hide, Bucky!

We started making sun tea this summer. I just love this photo of the sun tea with our big dragonfly. I'm thirsty.

Before the yellow jackets invaded and I became a shut-in, we would often walk down the road after supper to our neighbor's place and feed carrots to their horses. Here I am with Samson (brown) and Miss Glory (white). Miss Glory is pretty shy and timid, but Samson will stick his nose right in the carrot bag!

We're close enough to Montana that we can call this Big Sky Country, too. Our frequent summer thunderstorms provide spectacular air shows starring clouds and thunderheads.

Look closely and you'll see a small plane that just took off from the airstrip just north of our subdivision.

Bruce and I like to find faces, animals and objects in clouds.
Do you see the duck head? How about the puppy? And the old man with the long nose, bending over and getting kicked by the donkey leg? That's a tough one. What else can you find in the clouds?

Bruce likes to put peanuts out on the decks for the squirrels. It's not only good for the squirrels, but it also provides entertainment for our dogs and cats. 

Of course, cats are always a favorite thing around here.

About a week ago, a bunch of wild turkeys showed up. It happened right after a visit from an old friend and neighbor from Campus Commons. Coincidence? I think not.

And finally, my most favorite thing: seeing my hubby outside working on a project, which is one of his most favorite things!

I somehow always manage to get this view. Or maybe he somehow always manages to show me this view!

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