Winter Turkeys

Winter Turkeys
Winter Turkeys

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Quick Trip to California, Part II

Day Two in California: I visited my BFF, Debra, and her hubby, Martin.

Hung out on the front porch in the rockers they bought in my neck of the woods a few years ago.

Watched the ducks play on Dragonfly Pond and listened to the roosters crowing across the street.

Admired her beautiful rose garden and then spied...two goats on a berm!

Goats like carrots. So do dogs.

OK, Buddy, here you go.

Rosie finally descended from her perch to say hello.

Debra's garden is compact and organized. Those whirligigs really do keep the birds from eating her strawberries.

And I had to stop in and say hi to the ladies.

The greenhouse smells soooooo good.

Told a corny joke to Bud and made him laugh out loud!

Too soon, it was time to say goodbye. OK, Deb, next time you need to come to my house!

The last full day I was in Sacramento, I visited my sweet yoga sister, Gay.

I felt like I was on a Food Network show: Gay's Home Cooking. "Today, Gay's friend Yami joins her in the kitchen to make some of her favorite dishes"!  First up: Bang Bang Shrimp, something I've been wanting to try ever since Gay sent me the recipe. I was too chicken to try it by myself, though. It was delicious!

For dessert, we made Chocolate Pecan Caramel Rice Krispie Treats. There are no words.

Lucky me, I got to take a whole container home with me! Thank you, Gay!

For supper on the last night in Sac, Dad and I went to one of my favorite restaurants: Espanol. I absolutely love their Eggplant Parmigiana. I based my own recipe on theirs, but instead of frying the eggplant, I bake mine. A bit healthier, but, after eating theirs again, I realize mine is not as tasty!

Man, oh man, that is good.

Dad was pretty happy to be there, too.

One last evening on the deck. Dad has done some remodeling out there and it is much more spacious.

Angel, are you ready to roll? We're getting up early tomorrow and heading north!

She says "Let's Go!"

Stay tuned for Part III, wherein we hit the road and head home to the beautiful Inland Northwest.

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